Through the 10 week formation of DISCIPLE, we will enter deeply into the kerygma St. Paul proclaims in Galatians 4: 4-7 by facilitating an encounter with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit after the pattern of our Blessed Mother Mary. Come bask in the love of the Father who calls you His beloved child; come and strive to live the fullness of the life of Jesus; and, come to be set on fire by the power of the Holy Spirit to live as a missionary disciple.
MISSION is the final part of the program and consists of small missionary discipleship groups that meet regularly together. The mission groups allow members to continue their growth as missionary disciples. The small group meetings consist of prayer, witness of their missionary goals, meditation and sharing on the readings for the upcoming Sunday liturgy (called liturgy preparation), ongoing formation, setting new missionary goals when appropriate, and a closing prayer. The purpose of the MISSION groups is to provide members with a place of encouragement, accountability, ongoing formation, and community.