Live Your Mission
Humans are social creatures that are made for relationships. Missionaries need the community of other missionaries for encouragement, support, and accountability.
The goal is to provide an environment where your personal spiritual journey and faith formation take deeper roots. Gathering as a community of missionary disciples, members support and encourage one another on their journey.
Don't go it alone. Form your group to help you commit to living your mission. We have some suggestions on forming groups and group format, but remember, this is your life. MISSION groups are flexible to your needs.
You'll want resources on your journey. We have training videos and printed resources for you and we will be updating this collection along the way.
Opening Prayer: Thank the Holy Spirit for the graces and blessings of the past week, including all of the joys and sorrows encountered.
Share about your journey of discipleship from the previous week, including the successes and challenges of living the goal(s) set from the previous Liturgy Prep. Please keep your sharing concise and allow all members to share.
Pray: Invite the Holy Spirit to enlighten your mind, reveal what the Lord is trying to say through His Word, and draw you into a deeper relationship with the Most Holy Trinity.
Read, Reflect and Share: Read and reflect on the readings for next Sunday’s liturgy. You can also watch the SOLT Liturgy Prep video for that week. Share the fruit of your reflection with your MISSION group.
Share mission goals for the next week based on the readings and what the Lord is asking you to do in your life, and where God is asking you to grow.
Close in prayer: Invoke the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
MISSION Videos and Resources
Videos and printed resources to get you get started and help keep you on track.