Humans are social creatures that are made for relationships. Missionaries need the community of other missionaries for encouragement, support, and accountability.
The goal is to provide an environment where your personal spiritual journey and faith formation take deeper roots. Gathering as a community of missionary disciples, members support and encourage one another on their journey.
Your group is what you make it, you can start today with your own format using our MISSION Videos and Liturgy Prep Videos!
Do you still want a bit more guidance? Watch these videos or keep reading below.
What is MISSION?
The MISSION Meeting
Optional Group Format
This MISSION Group
is meant to support, encourage, pray for, affirm, and help hold members accountable in an effort to grow closer to Our Lord by living the liturgy.
As a member of a small MISSION Group, we listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to us in the liturgy and through one another, and allow the Holy Spirit to shape us in order to live our mission of becoming holy and sharing our life of faith with others.
Liturgy Prep
Opening Prayer: Thank the Holy Spirit for the graces and blessings of the past week, including all of the joys and sorrows encountered.
Mission Recap: Share about your journey of discipleship from the previous week, including the successes and challenges of living the goal(s) set from the previous Liturgy Prep. Please keep your sharing concise and allow all members to share.
Pray: Invite the Holy Spirit to enlighten your mind, reveal what the Lord is trying to say through His Word, and draw you into a deeper relationship with the Most Holy Trinity.
Read and Reflect: Read and reflect on the readings for next Sunday’s liturgy. You can also watch the SOLT Liturgy Prep video for the current week.
Mission Mapping: Share mission goals for the next week based on the readings and what the Lord is asking you to do in your life and where God is asking you to grow.
Close in prayer: Invoke the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
We invite you to meet
with at least one person from your group each week. Liturgy Prep can be completed in 20-30 minutes, but can involve longer meetings if time permits and could include a meal, coffee, fellowship, and a Marian devotion, e.g., rosary. If needed, the Liturgy Prep can even be done over the phone or video conference. The important part is to do it every week because the journey and mission of discipleship is a daily one anchored through the Sunday liturgy.