Our Mission:
To respond to the call of the New Evangelization
by forming authentic lay missionary disciples of Jesus through Mary. Once formed, these Marian
missionary disciples will be ready to live their baptismal commitment and participate in the great commission of Jesus to evangelize all peoples.
BECOMING MISSIONARY DISCIPLES was founded in 2015 by the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) as an evangelization ministry responding to the Church’s call to participate in the new evangelization. The ministry consists of two evangelization courses called REVIVE and DISCIPLE, which are then followed by MISSION groups that continue their formation together through regular meetings. Information about our three-part program can be found below. All of our resources are available to you and your parish at no charge. Please contact us with any questions you may have.
REVIVE is an introductory program for those interested in learning more about their Christian faith. It includes a weekend retreat which offers an experiential encounter with the Lord.
Disciple is a ten-week course that seeks to develop a deeper knowledge of the faith, focusing on the Holy Trinity and Mary and her relationship with the Trinity.
Mission seeks to continue faith formation and evangelization through small groups in the home.